Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Unemployed in the City

     For the past 5 years, I've been doing childcare before and after school for a little boy.  Two weeks ago, I was informed that his stepmom was going to be off work on medical leave and would be taking over caring for the boy for a minimum of 4-6 weeks!  AAAAAAGH!!!  Suddenly, I found myself unemployed!  I haven't really thought about getting a different kind of job for at least 5 years, probably longer. 
     I started halfheartedly browsing some job listings online, mainly out of curiousity and one jumped out at me.  Cashier at a liquor store.  Nice.  Low-stress (as opposed to something like waitressing) and it's about a two minute drive from my house.  The listing said to apply in person between the hours of 9am and 5pm, so this morning I was sitting outside the store at 9am waiting for it to open!  
     I'd hoped to skip the gauntlet of attempting to write a resume because I interview really well and in the past, I got every job I interviewed for, so I thought maybe I could just talk to the owner.  No dice.  The owner was not in yet.  However, the girl who was working there was a girl I'd talked to many times over several months at the childrens' school where she was dropping off children for a friend!  YES!  I have an in!  She told me I needed to bring in a resume and that the owners weren't usually in until afternoon, so if I brought a resume, she'd put it aside and make sure they got it.  I spent about an hour listing my virtues as well as all the positions I have held on the PAC (Parent Advisory Council...used to be the PTA) in recent years, got my references in order, had a couple trusted friends look it over, and then, heart in my throat went back to the business where by now I BADLY  want to work!  
     When I showed up with resume in hand, the girl at the counter picked up the phone and said "a lady is here with a resume".  EEK!  The owners were already there and it wasn't even noon yet!  I wasn't really prepared for this, but bravely made my way upstairs, smiled at the receptionist and an older gentleman, and was told to proceed through to the office.  The gentleman who greeted me seemed nice and when he introduced himself, I realized we'd met when I was last gainfully employed outside the home, in the restaurant downstairs!  He even said he remembered me!  Oh please please please let this be a good sign!  We spoke just a few words, he said he was still collecting resumes, and I left.  
     Now I play the waiting game.  I sit and hope he calls MY references, that MY smile and MY personality all play well together and he wants ME for the job!  I'll keep you updated...when I hear anything.  And if I don't get this job...well I suppose now that I have a current resume, I could spread it around a little.  I wonder if any video stores are hiring?  I bet that's a sweet job!


  1. I really hope you get it!!! I think it's a good idea to spread the resume around, why not? You don't HAVE to take every offer, right?

  2. That's so true. I did think of a couple things I'd like to add before printing a few more though. :) Thanks so much for doing it for me today!


Thanks for maintaining my ego by making me think someone actually reads my posts. :)