Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Google Chrome

For ages now, I've been the biggest Firefox fan ever.  Forget clunky old Internet Exploder, Firefox was *the* browser.  Well move over bacon, make room for something faster and sleeker!  Google Chrome loads light years faster than Firefox.  While you are still playing the "open NOW!"....."how bout NOW!" game with Firefox, GC snaps open and you are off and running.  I also love the idea of having all my most-visited sites handy to me instantly on opening rather than being confined to only one home page.  I am a creature of habit and regularly visit the same 3-5 sites each time I pop my browser open, but I don't always like to visit my sites in the same order!  The copy/paste option need some work, sometimes I have to click "select all" and then unclick it in order for the "paste" option to appear and it doesn't yet allow you to right click on a photo and set it as your wallpaper (yes people, it's WALLPAPER, not a screensaver!), but overall, this browser is my new favorite toy and I'm recommending it to everyone I know!!!  Download it here: http://www.google.com/chrome

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I've been loving it ever since I first installed it a few months ago. Way better than IE.


Thanks for maintaining my ego by making me think someone actually reads my posts. :)